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MUN, Charitable Service

& Other Work Experience

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Model United Nations

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The Model United Nations is a simulation that university students from all over the world participate in. Students represent a country's position and create resolutions on topics ranging from biological weapons to ending world hunger. 


I have represented the countries of El Salvador, Paraguay, and Belarus at the National Model United Nations Conference in New York for three years. 


I have presented position papers to the General Assembly 1 committee, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Committee, and the Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons Biennial Meeting of States (PoA SALW) Committee. 

Giving Back

See below...

Giving back is something that is very important to me and is something that I want to continue throughout my life.  

Volunteering at Baby2Baby
Local Venice Beach Clean Up
Venice Beach Clean Up
Venice Beach Clean Up
Venice Beach Clean Up
Homecoming Day of Service
My Favorite Blanket
Homecoming Day of Service
March of Dimes Car Wash
March of Dimes Car Wash
The Special Olympics
The Special Olympics
Volunteering abroad at the Mercado Social
Volunteering abroad at the Mercado Social
Relay for Life
Voices Together Program

More Information:

  • COVENANT HOUSE - Played basketball and raised the spirits of youth ages 18-24 who have faced homelessness and human trafficking. 

  • BABY2BABY - Helped organize and package children's clothes to be delivered to children in homeless shelters, domestic violence programs, foster care, hospitals and underserved schools as well as children who have lost everything in the wake of disaster.

  • VENICE BEACH CLEAN UP - Volunteered to clean up Venice Beach for the local community, 2019 - 2020

  • HOMECOMING DAY OF SERVICE - Helped make blankets for the homeless, 2016

  • MARCH OF DIMES CAR WASH - Raised money for cause by assisting with washing cars, 2015

  • SENIOR CITIZEN PROM - Assisted with serving food, brightening spirits and dancing at the Springs of Catawba retirement home, 2015 

  • SPECIAL OLYMPICS - Assisted with the games and helped the faculty of the event, 2014

  • TUTOR FOR SPANISH STUDENTS - Tutoring two students in Spanish, 2014

  • PREVENT CHILD ABUSE AMERICA - Corn Hole Tournament fundraiser- Community fundraiser for PCCA, 2013 and Sold pinwheels to raise money for Prevent Child Abuse America, 2013

  • RELAY FOR LIFE - Walking to raise money for cancer patients/research, spring 2013/ fall 2013

  • PUSH AMERICA DISABILITY AWARENESS DINNER - Raised awareness by experiencing a disability at dinner, 2012, 2013

  • ECCM FOOD BANK - Helped bag food and supplies for families affected by local flooding, 2013

  • PCAA ZUMBATHON FUNDRAISER - Dancing to raise money for PCAA, 2013

  • HICKORY SOUP KITCHEN - Helped with services at the soup kitchen, 2013

  • PROJECT POTENTIAL l-Targeting Students for Success, Hickory High School, 2013


  • PUSH AMERICA FOUNDATION FUNDRAISER - Helped raise money for special needs children, 2012

Other Work Experience

MANAGER (03/2018 - 07/2019), Cyber Group Studios

Media Specialist/ Assistant (01/2017 - 04/2018), No Limits for Deaf Children

TEACHING ASSISTANT (08/2016- 05/2017), Boston University, COM 101

UNIVERSITY COURSE ASSISTANT (08/2015-12/2015), Lenoir-Rhyne University, “Politics in fiction, film, & music – First Year Experience”; Dr. David Dreyer, Hickory, NC

UNIVERSITY COURSE ASSISTANT (08/2013 – 05/2014) – Lenoir-Rhyne University, “All the World’s A Stage – First Year Experience”; Professor Josh Yoder, Hickory, NC


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©2022 by Jess Anne Hogan
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